Durham Fencing Centre and Laszlo's Fencing Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy

Registering as a member of Durham Fencing Centre and Laszlo's Fencing and in accordance to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means we are collecting and storing personal data online, on a password protected storage device and in paper form. This will be used to communicate fencing related information to you about sessions, events, competitions, National in international updates and to record attendance. If you do not formally request your personal data to be deleted, this information will be deleted automatically two years after a renewal of a membership has lapsed and no monies are owed.

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you and we do not charge, however, we reserve the right to charge a small fee (no more than £10) where the request is deemed to be excessive, repetitive or unfounded. Before we are able to assist with your request, we would need you to confirm your identity and what data you require.

If you are not already an individual member of British Fencing, when you become a member of or renew your membership with Durham Fencing Centre and Laszlo's Fencing you will automatically be registered as a member of British Fencing. We will provide BF with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online membership system for you. BF will contact you to invite you to sign into and update your membership information (which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings). If you have any questions about the data that BF collects and the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with BF, please visit http://britishfencing.com/privacy-statement/ or contact dataprotection@britishfencing.com.

We will only share information with other organisations where we have your permission to do so in accordance with this Privacy Policy or where it is necessary for a legitimate reason connected with the services we offer, or where it is required by law or regulation.

If you have any questions regarding the privacy of your data you share with the club please contact the Regional Fencing Development Officer beth4fencing@aol.com

*Conduct in the Fencing Salle

Fencers must wear equipment that conforms to the British Fencing safety guidelines [Link to guidelines]. Anybody entering the fencing salle must wear clean shoes. Those who are in arrears may be refused entry. All coaches must be a minimum Level 1 qualified and be on the British Fencing Register [Link to register]

For welfare queries please contact our Welfare Officer Paul Sutherland paul.psuds@gmail.com.

3 minute read

May 23, 2018