Membership Durham Fencing Centre FQA

Welcome to Durham Fencing Centre membership help page to help guide you to select the right membership for you, whether you are new to fencing, want to join the club or a regular!

Before registering, please check our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy [HERE]

  1. Select which type of membership you need and the classes you want to attend on our online membership registration system [HERE]
  1. Click on the drop-down menu and select the type of membership.
  • There is 2 types of renewable Annual memberships whether the lead person is an independent experienced adult or junior fencer or they are attending with a family member or friend.
  • A guest fencer who wishes to pay each time they attend. (Registration required)
  • or STARTER levels for those who are new to fencing and require fencing equipment. This also includes British Fencing INTRODUCTION membership registration for 90 days (*to maintain the benefits of BF membership, fencers need to personally renew. You will receive a reminder from British Fencing)

  1. You will then be taken to the lead fencer registration page followed by the classes available for that membership type. Click on the check boxes for the classes you wish to access. If you are part of a Family / Friend option, the next page will allow you to put the 2nd person's details and class their options.  Click the 'Submit and proceed to next page'.

  2. You now have the options to check your selections and edit if necessary.  Select whether you wish to Pre-authorise future payments which allows the Direct Debit Go Cardless system to collect automatically rather than having to log on an pay each time.

The membership is paid at the time of registration, class payments are collected in instalments over 8 months to cover the full season of fencing.

  1. Click the 'Pay' button to input your bank account details to complete the registration and check your email account for confirmation and to set up a password for Durham Fencing Centre membership account.

If you need any further assistance, please contact Beth Davidson Tel. 07834884194 or email

2 minute read

October 17, 2017