Calling fencers aged 16-18yrs - Expressions of interest now open for AASE.

AASE Information
British Fencing is committed to providing fencers with opportunities to improve performance and develop as individuals in a cost effective way. We have worked with up with SkillsActive and South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS) to offer you the chance of being part of and achieving the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE).
Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE)
All 16-18 year olds who have completed their GCSE year and are ranked in the top 40 (for their age on any national ranking list) are eligible to apply for the British Fencing AASE programme.
What is AASE?
It is a Level 3 qualification based around an NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) in Achieving Excellence in Sports Performance; designed for fencers who have the realistic potential to achieve excellence and are seeking to perform at the highest level. The programme will cover all areas of your fencing and this innovative and exciting sporting programme will help you to develop as an athlete and fencer as well as gain a nationally recognised qualification.
Fencers will need to commit to attending AASE training days (approx. 20 days a year) and to maintaining a portfolio of their learning and training activity.
AASE is notionally a 2-year programme for fencers aged16-18 on the 1st September 2014. They can be studying other academic qualifications at a school or college of further education. Fencers must have completed their GSCE level qualifications and cannot combine AASE with University education or other Level 4 qualification. So normally fencers willstart AASE at the beginning of year 12.
Eligible fencers who are part of British Fencing’s WCP Talent or Talent Identification and confirmation programmes will be guaranteed a place on the AASE programme (if their education is appropriate). Fencers in both programmes will have extra help to manage their training load appropriately & may do a different programme to the other AASE fencers, the 2 programmes will complement each other.
The fourth cohort of the fencing AASE programme will begin in October 2014 and run as a 15-month programme, finishing in January 2016.
AASE Facts
- Available to fencers resident in England only
- Fencers must be aged 16, 17 or 18 on the 1st September in the academic year (for September 2014 intake born between 2/9/1995 & 1/9/1998)
- Fencers must have completed their GCSE year before starting AASE
- Applicants must be in the top 40 in Britain at their age group
- Fencers must commit to take part in the AASE training days (the programme may be different for talent and TIC fencers) and complete the course
- Fencers cannot combine this with more than 4 A-levels
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