24hr Festival raises over £2000 for all our heroes!
[caption id="attachment_286" align="alignnone" width="630"] 24hr Fencing Festival closing ceromony, raising £2037![/caption]
On the 30th+31st August, the Regional Fencing Centre Durham organised a 24hr charity fencing marathon of activities for new and old fencers from 7 to 70! From 5pm to 5pm, a programme of activities was organised for people to challenge themselves and raise money for Regional fencing and Help for Heroes! For the new there were Street Sword tasters, for a taste of the Paralympics there was wheelchair fencing, and for the Night Owls there was midnight fencing!
This charity event was to raise money for Help for Heroes and fencing development in the North East. At the close of play at 5pm we had colleced £2037! We are still collecting till the end of September. Online donations can still be made via PAYPAL (All donations made are to be split 50% between Help for Heroes and Regional Development)
[caption id="attachment_276" align="alignnone" width="359"] Paralympian, Simon Wilson visits the 24hr Fenceathon![/caption]
On the Friday evening fencers and parents were occupied with workshops in injury prevention by Physiotherapist Neil Sleeman [Platinum Physiotherpy website] and parents workshop with England Fencing Regions Coordinator Rochelle Dazeley [E-mail]
[caption id="attachment_265" align="alignnone" width="540"] Injury prevention workshop with Neil[/caption]
Friday evening was the Night Owl session where fencers who didnt care about sleeping could fence the night away! At 3.30am a fencing themed quiz was organised that was duely won by the 'Super Sabbies'!
[caption id="attachment_272" align="alignnone" width="540"] Some Night Owls at 3am![/caption]
For some of the younger members of the Night Owls a midnight competition was available but possibly the challenge was too much as they soon hit the camp beds!
[caption id="attachment_271" align="alignnone" width="540"] Young Night Owls resting![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_263" align="alignnone" width="540"] Heroes helping Heroes![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_275" align="alignnone" width="359"] Some of the young fencers![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_279" align="alignnone" width="540"] Chris's 13hrs and 500 hits marathon![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_284" align="alignnone" width="540"] Paralympic lunge![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_281" align="alignnone" width="540"] Carole keeping the troops fed![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_285" align="alignnone" width="540"] A happy (sleepy!) organiser[/caption]
The organisers would like to thank all those who supported, donated, fenced, sponSWORD, baked, and just kept the energy going!
Specific thanks to Rochelle Dazeley from England Fencing, Neil Sleeman from Platimum Physiotherapy, Claire Bulman for donating the water bottles, Durham University for the use of the facilities and Community Games funding!
Check out our Facebook event page with more photos and blogs! [HERE] For further information about this event or fencing in the North East Region, contact Beth Davidson, NE Region Fencing Development Officer 07834884194 or Email beth4fencing@aol.com